Friday 1 March 2013

My Body is a BLESSING not a CURSE

I am on week three of Gabrielle Bernstein’s New York Times Bestselling book May Cause Miracles –A 40 day Guidebook of Subtle Shifts for Radical change and Unlimited Happiness. This book is a real eye-opener and the primary reason I decided to start my self-love journey. This book is all about making small changes, and I love it! The more ‘subtle shifts’ I make, the more I am guided to make other small changes. I urge you to pick up a copy of her book today!

 Today I choose to see my body as a vehicle I use to extend my love to the world and others around me. My body was never meant to keep me paralyzed and not feeling good enough, my body is a tool to happiness, recovery and spirituality.

“My body is a blessing not a curse” –Kelly BP

Today I look at my body as a blessing, not as a curse. I look at it for all it can do for me and is capable of doing, for me and others. I choose to see its abundance and not look at it from a place of lack or of negativity. I am willing to let go of these negative self-defeating thoughts that I have held towards my body. I know I am being guided to a new loving perspective towards my body, I know I am being guided to love. I am willing to choose love for my body.

The more wrapped up I get in negative body thoughts, the more I give rise to breeding more negativity towards myself and my body. I have been stuck in the self-created vicious cycle of self-hatred and loathing my body. I was meant to love my body, take care of it and treat it as the precious vessel it is. You only get one body in this lifetime, so it is so important we learn and choose to love what we have instead of wishing and longing for something else.

It is hard to change negative patterns of thinking overnight, but if we are at the very least willing to change are thoughts, we will be guided beyond our imagination to a deep love connection. We just have to be willing!

       I am willing to see my body as beautiful

       I am willing to see my body as perfect in every way

       I am willing to respect my body and honor it as it is

       I am willing to love my body unconditionally

I commit to self-love and I commit to body love. Today I am simply adding in more positive loving thoughts about my body, just like I mentioned yesterday with affirmations. The more positive thoughts we think, the less room there is for negativity. I know one day all of that negativity will slip away! Until then, I am forever on a journey of thinking loving and positive thoughts on purpose!

Body-Love Affirmations for Today:

       My body is a precious gift

       I love and honor my body right now

       My body is perfect for me in everyway

Love Always,


Thursday 28 February 2013

My Affirmations for today:

I am beautiful, creative and loved.

I love myself and my body unconditionally right now

Today is going to be an amazing day!




All is well in the universe I am being guided today and all days. I deserve to be happy whole and free of negativity. My life is so precious so I take care of it with my beautiful self-love affirmations today. My Journey to self-love is a one-day one-moment at a time journey, the key is to consistently re-center back into what is right for you every step of the way, so that you know you are walking on your truest of trues pathway! I love me and I love you all!!

Love Always,


Tuesday 26 February 2013

Body Image
My body and I have been struggling to get along for as long as I remember. At the age of 12 I was put on medication for ADHD; it was a stimulant drug. It made my appetite disappear completely and I lost weight. I remember getting attention for my weight loss and I just felt that thinner was better even at age 12. For the past 12 years I have been restricting, binging, purging, partaking in compulsive food behaviours and thoughts, taking medications and exercising at times excessively to control my life, but in fact all these behaviours were controlling me.

 I am happy to say that things started to turn around for me seven months ago. I finally was able to admit my problem to my loving boyfriend and a room full of strangers at an overeaters anonymous meeting. It was like half of my body weight came off in that moment. What a relief I felt, just knowing that all that I had gone through what someone else has gone through too.  It wasn’t my fault, I had a disease, I had an eating disorder, and it was okay because now I was on a new path of acknowledging, being open and willing to try something new. The path that OA has led me towards is 100% beautiful. I started to really like myself only after a month in the program, my spiritual practice is healing me and is a huge source of power in my life, I see food differently and think of it as fuel rather than something I used to use to get by.

 I am on a journey to self-love, something I never thought possible seven months ago. Seven months ago was my darkest time, I was depressed and thoughts of hurting myself and ending it kept creeping in. It was almost as if I knew there was a better way and I surrendered myself to the universe, I let go of the reins and I have been guided to a life that keeps getting better every single day. I am truly blessed and I am truly grateful for Overeaters Anonymous, it saved my life.

Today I am much much much better than I was seven months ago, but at times I find myself (as you saw in my vlog) getting tripped up about trivial things involving my body. There is just such a deep rooted message about looks and appearance being sent to all of us ladies a young age. I remember my beautiful mother (when I was like 5 years old) applying make-up and taking a long time to get ready before we went anywhere. TV ads, magazine ads, radio ads, it is all around us. Our society can never be thin enough, have clear enough skin, be pretty enough, have thick enough hair, smell good enough, attract enough male attention, all these things we are taught make up our self-worth right!? WRONG ! Long before you or me decided to buy into the fashion and beauty industries standards and ridged beliefs about what is beautiful we saw beauty all around us. We were happy, whole, loved and were loved; this happiness came from an organic place, from the inside and we beautiful children spread it out to the world. Then we started listening and seeing the messages all around us , apparently beauty and happiness was something that could be obtained from outside of ourselves. With the right clothes, make-up, highlights, shoes and weight-loss/exercise regime we could be perfect too! Wait a sec, so I wasn’t born perfect? I was born to be on an endless pursuit for happiness love and acceptance when I looked in the mirror?
Somewhere along the line we are brainwashed into believing that our outside appearances are not good enough. But wait! The beauty industry and fashion industry and weight-loss industries can fix you with their products! See there is a very evident flaw there, we must keep believing that we need fixing in order to buy into these industries, and these industries want to keep us buying so they continue to send the message that we are “not quite there yet, try this new product”. Knowing is half the battle. Today I will define beauty for myself, no one controls me therefore I don’t live accordingly to someone elses standards of beauty. Today I recognize the infinite self-worth that is within me. Today I see my body as a beautiful tool of recovery and I love it unconditionally. I have the power to decide what is beautiful in my life. Today I am no longer the victim of an external projection of beauty. Happiness is an inside job and today I use my internal knowing about what is right for me, and I leave the rest!

I love you all!


Monday 25 February 2013

My First Vlog!!


Today I have a lovely video blog for you guys!! I hope you will enjoy it as it is my first one :) This Vlog is all about the journey to self-love with a focus on loving the body. Its a bit scattered, that how I am! I hope you enjoy it!! Leave comments below if you please.  

Love Always,


Saturday 23 February 2013

Hi my name is Kelly! Nice to meet you and welcome to my very first post on my brand new blog!! I hope we will get to know eachother well!

One day we will all embark on a journey to self-love, and I am happy to announce I am on my journey today to radical self-love! I lived far too many of my days down and depressed thinking negative self-defeating thoughts, and one day it was like a lightbulb went off and I knew I had to change. About seven months ago I was smack dab in the middle of an addiction. I had struggled with an eating disorder since the age of 12 (I am 24 now thank you very much!) and it had gotten out of control and had morphed into compulsive binge-eating. Well truth be told, I really knew that by the time I was 18 that I was a binge eater. Oh the shame! I never told anyone and I was locked in a prison, I didn’t know what to do or how to fix it, so I ate in private and I was debilitated by a self-loathing overeating cycle for years and years. I was always able to get my life in control to some degree by going on a diet, but those days of successful dieting began to get further and further apart, and it was hard to keep the weight from creeping on. I used to use drugs to help me keep my appetite low, I used to bully myself into spending hours at the gym, but nothing helped, I was compulsive and obsessive over food no matter how much I tried to deny that I was. One day I hit my wall, or like addicts like to say "I hit my bottom" I surrendered to my boyfriend and said I can't go on like this anymore, I can't do it anymore, it was either self-destruct or make some serious changes in my life. So the universe got my memo and my boyfriend found me an overeaters anonymous meeting in my area, I went the following week. I can't say it’s been easy but my life is on a continual upswing, I have gone from a place of self-hatred to a place of acceptance, and now I am on a journey to self-love.



I am on an amazing journey to self-love. I see in the not too far distance an amazing place in which the love in me is over-flowing from the inside out. I believe in my heart that I am ready to experience this radical experience of self-love every day in every way. I deserve to love and be loved, but most of all I deserve to approve, accept and love myself all the time. It is my birthright to be connected to the loving divine one-ness inside of me that is always on my side telling me wonderful glorious things about myself, true things! That’s right TRUE THINGS! I am a goddess, worthy of my own love acceptance and approval. I am a shining beacon of light that everyone basks in. I have so much joy, love and compassion with me that I can tap into every moment of everyday. Self-love is the only way. Self-love is the only answer.

       I love myself therefore I do not overeat.

       I love myself therefore I do not think negative thoughts.

       I love myself therefore I do not dwell on the past.

       I love myself therefore I only think wonderfully positive thoughts.

       I love myself therefore I eat to nourish and heal my body

       I love myself therefore I take care of my home, my body and those whom I love dearly.

       I love myself therefore I focus on solutions and not problems

       I love myself therefore my weight will be release in time.

       I love myself therefore I stay active and exercise my body

       I love myself therefore I do not hold on to grudges or resentments.

       I love myself therefore I give out so much love to those around me

       I love myself therefore I dont judge or criticize myself or others.

       I love myself therefore I dont hold on to anger or guilt.

 I love myself therefore everything I do, every decision I make is guided by the divine in me who is my most loving expression, and is taking care of me from now on!

Who I am today and every day in this life time is a perfect whole being, a spirit whom has everything inside to take control of my life. Happiness is an inside job and I have everything I need to be the happiest person I know. I am meant to thrive not just get by. I am meant to be alive not just coast. I am meant to change lives, not just wish my life away. I have so much purpose I cannot even fathom how much purpose I have today. I am creating a beautiful world today which is my future. I see amazing things coming because I know who I am and I know who I’ve always been. That girl is full of light love and energy and capable of anything. She is so happy, so positive so caring and compassionate, she is me, I’ve always been her and we are about to reunite for good. I am precious, I am worth it, I deserve joy, peace, serenity, abundance, love and a happy happy life!!! I have so many reasons to love me:

       I love myself and I know how precious I am

       I love myself and see myself as a radiant beacon of light

       I love myself and I have much to offer to the world

       I love myself and am blessed with many gifts inside

       I love myself and I see my infinite potential

       I love myself and I know I am being taken care of

       I love myself and accept myself exactly the way I am

       I love myself and I am on the pathway to creating a future beyond my wildest dreams

“Self-Love is the keystone to life, when you have self-love everything else magically comes together” today and every day I choose to love myself and watch my beautiful life magically unfold in front of me, I deserve all that is good all that is love, I am at peace and one with this beautiful universe.

Thank-you universe for teaching me my greatest lessons, always loving, always supporting, always guiding, I know I can count on your grace and your infinite love forever until the end of time, I love you. 
Love Always,
